Thursday, September 13, 2012

New Spring Growth

My spirits have lifted significantly, thank you spring!

My most favourite season (I know I keep saying that but I only have 3 months to repeat myself right?)

Lots of wonderful things are happening on my balcony. New growth is everywhere. I've fed everything with seasol & fertiliser to give all the fresh leaves & flowers a boost. Everything looks sensational so far. Here are some photos I took with my baby girl

My Japanese maple, sango kaku is full of new growth. You can see the gorgeous, bright green of freshly sprouted leaves, but they haven't fully unfurled yet & I can't wait for them to open right up. They will look amazing & there will be lots of photos

My smallest & youngest Japanese maple, aureum, is full of bright green new leaves. It's so pretty. It's leaves have golden tips

My dwarf peach has blossomed even more since my last post. The flowers are so pretty & big for such a tiny tree



and sadly, my tulips have come to an end

Someone was not at all sad about it. She was finally allowed to touch the big pretty flowers

Woo hoo!

I have planned out my spring/summer vegetable patch now. My next post should be about that. I have some serious weeding to do firstly. I've realised winter is not a time I feel any desire to garden.

Until next time gardeners,


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